In this ACE class, we introduce the student to the what, why, and how of evangelism according to the Word of God. The goal is to understand what evangelism is, what the Chrisitan is to share, and to be encouraged to go and share.




Pastor Jeremy Yong

Brian Cheah





Week 1 - God’s Purpose

Week 2 - God’s Sovereignty & Human Responsibility

Week 3 - The Gospel

Week 4 - A Personal Testimony

Week 5 - Corporate Witness

Week 6 - How to Disciple Others in Evangelism

Week 7 - What if They Reject Me?

Week 8 - Answering Questions and Objections

Week 9 - Being Intentional & Strategic in Evangelism

Week 10 - Sharing with Family & Co-Workers

Week 11 - Talking with Roman Catholic Friends

Week 12 - Talking with Jewish Friends

Week 13 - Talking with Muslim Friends