Be God’s Instrument


by Helen D

This February, I am still missing Jeff, but am comforted with the knowledge and assurance that he is enjoying being in the presence of our Lord. In this last year, I have been so blessed in unexpected ways.

Visitors came by…always asking when was the best time. They talked about good times, gave us helpful advice from their experience, and prayed with us. We even enjoyed a private harp recital courtesy of someone stretching their comfort zone to offer us a special treat.

We received food…although no meal plan/rotation was ever used, meals would appear just as the fridge emptied out. Folks would call/drop by and say…”You came to mind today, and I thought you might like to eat this.” You could tell the meal was thought out…sometimes requiring several stops or other advanced preparation. No matter, it was tasty, and even better when the visitors were able to stay and share the meal with us.

Cards and emails came from people we haven’t been in touch with for ages. I would read “Although I haven’t seen you around, just wanted to let you know that you’re in my prayers and that I’m thinking of you daily.” Sometimes our branch would be asked to remember Jeff specifically for a upcoming procedure, or to fast…showing sacrificial love for one another. We were also blessed by the volunteers who came by weekly to share a Bible study with us. Thank you, brothers and sisters.

Early one morning before Christmas, I went outside to pull a few weeds. I heard a car pull up and footsteps approaching. When I looked up, I was surprised to see a large poinsettia plant approaching on two legs. Miss A had intended to play “Santa” and leave the plant and some goodies on the front porch with no card, but was shocked to see me out there! I told her God was gracious to me, because the mystery of the unknown benefactor would have nagged at me.

The other thing that amazes me about receiving these blessings is the timing…just as we needed something, it would appear. Many of you know that a fellow Evergreen SGVer offered his services as a nurse to help us through this time, with no expectation of repayment. He said “I wanted to bless you as I have been blessed by Evergreen SGV.”

It is my hope that you will be moved to stretch your comfort zone and take steps to reach out and bless someone.

A moment to consider opportunities…

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