Reflection of “A Day With Jesus”

by Paul Lu

I had for a while longed to spend alone time with Jesus. Inevitably, life gets too busy and the first thing that suffers is my relationship with Jesus; so when I saw the opportunity, I quickly signed up!

The day came and my wife and I were very much looking forward to it. Our group was not very big, so it provided an intimate setting for sharing. After a short introduction and lead-in questions we each chose a quiet corner to spend a prolonged quiet time reading the Word, meditating and praying to the Lord.

After a quick survey of the retreat grounds, I decided to go in a very small but well-kept chapel. The well-illuminated altar, the kneelers, cushioned chairs and the carpeted floor provided a very comfortable setting that was conducive to meditation and prayer.

I really appreciated Pastor Dan for compiling Bible verses that show how God is good and sovereign and purposeful. As I was reading these verses the Holy Spirit showed me that there was fear in my life, and that I needed Jesus to release me from these strongholds. I also noticed how quickly my mind wanders off to the worries and anxieties within me. I started to pray that the Holy Spirit would come and help me focus on what the Lord would have to say to me.

After reading through the verses, there was one particular verse that spoke to me. It was from 2 Chronicles 32:7-8:

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or dismayed before the king of Assyria and all the horde that is with him, for there are more with us than with him. With him is an arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles.”

My soul was suddenly uplifted when I read this. It reminded me that God is sovereign; that I need not be imprisoned by my fears – fear of failure, fear of incompetence and fear about the future. Sure, my fears were real, but I was not alone. The battle is the Lord’s.

I thank the Lord for revealing His sovereignty and power to me and I thank Evergreen for “A Day with Jesus.” It has been a blessing to me and I know that many more will be blessed through it.

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