What is Your Spiritual History?

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By Pastor Ron Miyake

If you were to tell the story of your life, what would say? What would be part of your story?  But more than just your personal history or events that happened in your life, I feel that the Lord wants us to also think about and consider our spiritual history.  Psalm 78:4b says, “… tell to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, And His strength and His wondrous works that He has done.”  I think that it’s not only important to think about and tell the stories of the events in our lives, but it’s even more important to remember and to tell others… our family, children, grandchildren, siblings, relatives, friends, neighbors… and even strangers… about our spiritual history with the Lord.

What is our spiritual history?  The way we met the Lord. The ways we have seen the Lord meet us, love us, help us, provide for us, forgive us, bless us, encourage us, and answer our prayers. But I also feel that our spiritual history is not just in the special events and times that happen in our lives.  A spiritual history with God is rooted mostly in having a daily history with God. Time with God reading His Word. Praying… talking and listening to the Lord. Singing songs of praise and worship to Him. Doing the things He tells us to do. Intentionally taking the time to be with Him. It is in these daily times… times alone with God… that God will meet us, mold us, transform us, and prepare us for the special events and times… and for even dealing with the daily happenings in our lives. 

I would encourage you to keep track of your spiritual history. Write down and tell others of the ways God has met you and worked in your life. Continue growing in your faith, experiencing God meeting you and working in your life so that you can see how God is adding to the spiritual history of your life.

My hope and prayer for each of us is that we will have a deep, rich spiritual history with the Lord, so that God will be glorified in and through our lives… and so that we can tell others of the ways that the Lord has loved us, met us, and has worked in and through us.  So that they, too, will come to know and experience the Lord in their lives. 

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