Beyond Just the Calling of a New Senior Pastor
by Pastor Ron Miyake
The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13)
Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)
What are your thoughts about this new season of our church regarding the next Senior Pastor? Maybe there is excitement as to how the Lord revealed the person to Pastor Cory. Maybe you are sad thinking that Pastor Cory will be retiring in the next 2-3 years. Maybe you might be thinking of the character, qualifications, and background of the new Senior Pastor-to-be.
During the March 12 worship service when Rocky Seto was introduced as the next Senior Pastor of Evergreen SGV, we also got to hear what happened around 40 years ago when Pastor Cory was selected as the new Senior Pastor of Evergreen Baptist Church. Some of the same words that were used for Pastor Cory were also used for Rocky… called by God, yet, in the eyes of some people, unqualified to be in that role.
Yet in spite of not having the background and qualifications that some people felt are important to be a Senior Pastor, both Pastor Cory and Rocky were obedient to pursue what the Lord was calling them to do.
As I’ve thought about this process of finding a new Senior Pastor, this thought kept coming to mind: This isn’t just about the new Senior Pastor. This is also for all of us. Feeling unqualified, yet being willing to say “Yes” to God.
Do we wait until we are super spiritual, almost perfect, finished with our plans for our lives before we are even willing to do something that the Lord is asking us to do? Or are we willing to say “Yes, Lord. Here I am. Send me.” Are we willing to step up, out of obedience to the Lord calling us to do something? Are we willing to do this even though we don’t seem qualified in the eyes of some people… or even in our own eyes.
In Acts 4:13, I’m reminded of Peter and John. In the eyes of some people, they were seen as ordinary men, unqualified, ones who had no special training. And yet, they were willing to say “Yes” to the Lord when He asked them to follow and serve Him. We see that one of their greatest assets was that they were ones “who had been with Jesus.”
In this season of our church, I feel the Lord is asking us, among other things, to do these three things:
- Grow in our relationship with the Lord. To be with Jesus.
- To say “Yes” to serving the Lord, even if we don’t feel we are super spiritual, almost perfect, or totally qualified.
- That we become participants in the work of God’s Kingdom. We aren’t just supposed to be spectators, watching what the current or new Senior Pastor will do or say. We get to be involved.
As we enter this new season of our church, are you willing to say “Yes” to the Lord?