Read (and Listen) All About It!


As a boy growing up, I would hear the phrase “Extra! Extra! Read all about it!” in reference to newspaper boys who would stand on busy corners and sell an extra edition to the daily newspaper. Once upon a time, newspapers would print an extra edition if something extraordinary happened after the morning paper was delivered. Remember, there was no internet, no Facebook, no text messaging and not everyone had a television.

An example of an “Extra” edition printed by the Los Angeles Times featured the headline; “INVASION!” reporting the news of the Allied invasion of Europe during World War I. The bigger the news; the more papers were sold.

Today, things are different. The digital age has reduced newsprint to an “after the fact” reporting medium. People hear about things as they happen because everyone has access to digital devices.

Even so, being on the front page of a major newspaper is still a pretty big deal. People tend to read what’s featured on the front page.

On Monday, September 11, 2017, there was a front page article about our next senior pastor, Rocky Seto. I wrote about it in our church newsletter, The Leaflet, but did not write a blog about it. Next week’s blog will be The Leaflet article.

If you would like to read the Los Angeles Times article, it can be found on the electronic front. What’s interesting is that the digital version has a different title.

One is entitled, “Trading Plays for Praise on Sundays” and the other is entitled, “Former USC and NFL coach Rocky Seto gives up a nearly seven-figure salary to become a pastor”. Before reading on, which title was on newsprint and which one was the digital version?

The first title was found on the front page of the actual newspaper. The second was the digital title. The difference describes the nature of our society today. In order to get readership the title has to emphasize something that will pique the interest of the reader even if it doesn’t really reflect the thrust of the content. The article is not about divergent salaries, it is about a calling from God and how the Lord made a way for Rocky to become our next senior pastor.

Regardless of headline, the article is worth reading so if you haven’t, here’s the link.

Pastor Rocky was also interviewed by Frank Sontag on his Podcast show via KKLA 99.5 AM radio. Here’s a link for that interview.

The Lord has been good. He has let it be known that Rocky Seto is going to be our next senior pastor.

It’s Proverbs 3:5-6 coming to life. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

The Lord is directing our path. Hope you are allowing Him to direct your path.

Something to think about…


Evergreen SGVCory Ishida Blog