The First in His Own Cause


“The first to plead his case seems right, until another comes and examines him.” Proverbs 18:17

How often does someone come to you regarding a dispute and want you to intervene or express an opinion about it? Occasionally, often, all the time or never? Sounds like a multiple choice exam, doesn’t it?

Most of us will have an occasion to find ourselves in the middle of a dispute or disagreement of some sort and have to serve as a mediator, supporter or listener.

We have heard numerous times that there are two sides to every argument. However, when it involves us… the other side normally doesn’t count. 

What’s fascinating about this is the phenomenon that whenever we get drawn into a dispute between two people, the one who shares first almost always seems right. In almost every situation someone is always “first” to present his or her side of a dispute. 

I have sat with husbands who have issues with their wives and after listening to them, I have severe reservations about their wives until I hear the wives’ version and then I need the Wisdom of Solomon because they both seem “right”. 

People seldom lie to their pastor. But they do give their unique perspective of their situation or circumstance. Then, upon examining the other side, you soon realize that there is a different perspective of the same situation.

Take to heart what it says in Proverbs 18:17. If asked to intervene or express an opinion regarding a dispute, try to listen to both sides before coming to a conclusion. The word, ‘examine’ in verse 17 means to search out facts, investigate, explore, probe and inquire.  

Upon doing our due diligence, we should ask the Lord to give us the Wisdom of Solomon before moving forward, knowing that the Lord will be with us every step of the way.

One added thought. At the onset of his reign, King Solomon prayed for one gift from God. He didn’t pray for wealth, good health or lasting peace. He prayed for an understanding heart, which came to be known as the Wisdom of Solomon. An understanding heart means a heart that will listen well enough to make correct judgments. May we all have the Wisdom of Solomon, which begins with a listening heart. 

Something to think about…

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