Sawasdee Krup (a polite and friendly "Hello!" in Thai)!

2018 Thailand Medical Missions Team: (l-r) Denna, Irene, Zohreh, Fred, Carol, Pam, Karen, Jason

2018 Thailand Medical Missions Team: (l-r) Denna, Irene, Zohreh, Fred, Carol, Pam, Karen, Jason

We are here at LAX (Saturday, Sept 1, 2018, 10 pm), safely through security and waiting at our gate!  Funnily enough, Irene was pulled aside for "random screening", and my bag was searched not because of the lithium ion batteries, or the church's GoPro, or the liquids I forgot to pull out of my bag, but because of my lacrosse ball!

We are so blessed by the huge turnout for our departure (upon first approximation, about 50 strong!).  Personally, I was given a set of cards for each day of the trip from both my prayer partner support group and my daughters!  This evening was a great reminder that we are not traveling just the eight of us, but we have our families and our church family sending us and partnering with us on this journey.  Seeing the team members breaking off with their respective support teams, brought together for a purpose, I was struck by the fact that this is indeed a work pre-planned and fore-known by our great God, who brought this team together for whatever work He has before us.  So we have this assurance that no matter what comes, nothing is by chance or by accident.  

As Irene mentioned during our prayer time tonight, please pray for team unity, as well as flexibility as we embark on this journey!  14 hours to Taipei, two hours on layover, four hours to Chiang Mai.  Then the real work begins!

Blessed by you!

Jason (on behalf of the ZOE team)


"But I urge you, believers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you be in full agreement in what you say, and that there be no divisions or factions among you, but that you be perfectly united in your way of thinking and in your judgment." 1 Corinthians 1:10

Evergreen SGV