God’s plan for “Unplanned”


“‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.’” Jeremiah 29:11

Let me begin by reiterating a recommendation I made two weeks ago when I shared a message entitled, “Walking as Children of Light”. I recommended that our church family take their high schoolers and go see the movie, Unplanned, on the counsel of some of our staff who viewed a pre-screening of the movie. 

Unplanned follows the true story of Abby Johnson, a Planned Parenthood clinic director turned pro-life activist. 

After seeing the movie on Sunday, I am going to revise my recommendation. I now highly recommend the movie with your children junior high and up. The movie did not deserve an “R” rating. 

Movieguide, The Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment, wrote the following about Unplanned.

The pro-life movie UNPLANNED released on Friday in theaters across the country earned an impressive $6.3 million over the weekend. This is a very strong opening, given that the movie was: released in a limited 1,000 theaters; was denied advertising opportunities on many networks and platforms; received negative reviews from mainstream publications; and, was rated “R” from the MPAA. By all accounts, UNPLANNED was an underdog movie that multiple publications predicted would only open to $2-3 million.

I have never been big on conspiracy theories, but I do believe that the powers-to-be in our society, especially Hollywood, have a plan or agenda that they want to promote or prevent. I believe that pro-life is one they want to prevent. They have a plan.

It’s curious what Tess Farrand, Staff Writer for Movieguide, wrote about Unplanned. She did not imply there was a plan. I believe that there may have very well been one in place.

She reported three things about the movie. First, Unplanned was “denied advertising opportunities on many networks and platforms”. Second, it “received negative reviews from mainstream publications”. Finally, it “was rated “R” from the MPAA”.

I have no first-hand knowledge of the first two obstacles, but after seeing the movie, it is incredulous that it received an “R” rating. I have seen PG and PG-13 movies that are far worse.

After the movie was release and doing well, something curious happened. Farrand reported the following. 

On Saturday morning, UNPLANNED’S Twitter was suspended briefly. Lead actress Ashley Bratcher tweeted to get the word out, “Trying to figure out why the @UnplannedMovie account has been suspended. We need answers. #unplannedmovie 

In the following hours, celebrities like Patricia Heaton, pro-life political voices and the UNPLANNED Twitter page noted the suspension as well as Twitter’s negligence to verify the movie. Due to the buzz about the suspension, Twitter restored the page…

It does appear that there are those who do not want the message of Unplanned to be successfully told. But God has a different plan. He is on the side of the unborn child in the womb and wants this story to be told.

I hope you seriously consider seeing this movie then having an open dialogue with your children and others. We are not called to argue the things of faith, but to clearly and lovingly share the Good News of Jesus with others.  

Part of the Good News from the movie is a clear message that God loves the baby in the womb and those who choose life. The movie also shows God’s love for those who have chosen to end life in the womb and how He desires from them to come to Him so He can forgive them, cleanse them and restore them.

One final note, God’s ultimate plans always succeed.

Something to think about…