Church School – Quarantine Style


by Terri Wong

On March 8, 2020, the Church School Department Heads met at 8am to discuss Picture Day, the Summer Quarter, Promotion Sunday, and the Fall. We had Church School (CS) classes as normal immediately following the meeting. Little did we know that would be our last in-person class for the school year. Throughout that week, COVID-19 was quickly spreading and we were soon in quarantine. We did not meet for CS the following Sunday (March 15), and we have not met in-person since then. God’s plans were different than our plans, but God’s plans and His purposes are much better.


We had to seek the Lord and ask Him to direct our plans for CS.  I am thankful for each Department Head and their hearts to pray, plan, and prepare during this time. I am thankful for the resourceful and dedicated CS teachers who continue to serve the students at Evergreen SGV. I am thankful for all the students and their eagerness to remain connected with the CS teachers. I am thankful for technology and the ability to meet virtually with our students on Zoom. I am thankful to God for His grace, His mercy, His love, and His goodness.

I wondered how we could do CS during this time, but God is good. We first connected with the 3rd and 4thgrade students by phone or FaceTime. Most conversations lasted 10 minutes, but some lasted one hour or even longer! The CS teachers commented that we got to see another side of the students – one that was more personable and deep. Our Zoom CS classes for 3rd and 4th grade continue through the summer with small break out groups, where we share questions related to the lesson and pray over personal prayer requests. It has been a time of learning, sharing, and mutual encouragement between the teachers and the smaller group of students.

We do not need a classroom to conduct CS. We only needed to trust that the Holy Spirit would lead us. From Kinder to 8th grade, the intentional efforts of the CS teachers to remain engaged and connected to the students have been blessed by the Lord. God is good – His plans are perfect and much better than we could ever imagine.