A Super Lesson Learned...Again

Terri with the church school staff

Terri with the church school staff

by Terri Wong

It has been nearly four years since God called me to serve as the Church School Superintendent in the spring of 2011. Without a doubt, the Church School ministry at Evergreen SGV is absolutely amazing!  I am so thankful for the wonderful Department Heads, teachers and helpers who serve faithfully every Sunday for the glory of the Lord. They love God and they love the Evergreen SGV children. It is a privilege to serve alongside these humble servants.

Along with my duties as Superintendent, I get to teach the 3rd and 4th graders which I absolutely love. On Feb. 1 (Super Bowl Sunday), I taught the lesson on Moses and the Red Sea. The students were asked to name characteristics of God. Some words shared included awesome, cool, everlasting, great, incredible, joyful, merciful, kind and powerful. God created a path through the waters of the Red Sea to save the Israelites. Moses and the Israelites were so joyful that they praised God for His care, protection and power. The lesson focus was to praise God always, as He is the One who helps us in both good and bad times.

As I watched and cheered the Seahawks that day, along with most people from our church, I could not believe the end of the game. I was stunned and in disbelief. The Seahawks were set to win, right? But the team I was cheering for lost! I was sad for most of that evening, but was quickly reminded that God does not make mistakes. God is to be praised always – in good or bad times, through wins or losses. Yes, win or lose, God is worthy of all glory and our worship.

As a Church School teacher, I have learned and re-learned many lessons like this over the years. As the Superintendent, the Lord has blessed, stretched, encouraged, embraced and loved me and I am thankful for His faithfulness. God continues to show and teach me His ways are always good. A super lesson learned…again.

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