What to Do When the Sermon is Over

By Pastor Terry Gee

After a sermon is over what do you do? You could think about what you’re going to do after church. You could talk to others about your NCAA Tournament Bracket once the last song is finished. Or you could just leave.

However, if you choose to do any of the above, you may be subject to a whisper in your heart that will go something like this:    …be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

Perhaps we could benefit from a re-looking at our own post-sermon processes. Here are three things to try after a sermon:

1. Go to God

In Prayer - Pray in your seat right then and there. Ask God to work in your life and change your heart. Confess sin if you need to. Let the Holy Spirit work in your heart as you commune with Him over what you just heard.

In Song - Why do we have a worship song after the sermon? It’s another way in which we can respond to what we’ve heard, whether in praise to God for who He is or in contrition when we have seen our sins exposed by the word of God. Sing if it helps you respond to the word or just pray and let the words of the song and the worship of others minister to you.

2. Go to the Church

Dialoguing with others about what you just heard can be a helpful step towards having the truth of God sink into your heart and life. In doing so, you will not only benefit yourself but others also. Perhaps your brother or sister would have gone about their day without ever thinking about being a doer of the word apart from you asking, “What did you think of the sermon?” I hope that this question can be a regular topic of discussion for our church in the sanctuary and over lunch.

3. Go Into the World

Now is the time to go and forgive the person who offended you. Go visit your friend who is suffering in their season of life. Spend time with your kids and talk about how to grow in holiness. Wake up early on Monday and go pray for your workplace. Take the truth that God spoke to you and the conviction He has laid on your heart and carry it out.

            May God work in our lives as we seek to be not only hearers of the word, but doers as well.  But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing. (Ref. James 1:22,25 ESV)

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