Thailand Team Blog

If you are reading this blog, it's because you are interested in learning about what Harvey, Steve, Wil and Mo are doing in Thailand. You may have heard that they are building a source of clean water for a village. But more than that, they will be communicating the love of God to a village made up of 12 Buddhist families and 10 Christian ones.

They will be leaving at 11:55 PM on Thursday, April 16 and meet up with 12 ZOE ministry students and three ZOE staffers.  The 19 of them will be working with Integrated Tribal Development Program (ITDP) to bring water to the village from an uphill stream through pipes, clean it, and store it in a tank for use by the 82 men, women, and children who make up the village of Sa Per Day Kee.

More than anything they covet your prayers to God almighty on their behalf. To help you pray for them you will find attached to this blog a schedule containing information on what they will be doing each day they are away. Pray for them.  As you pray, remember that they are in a time zone that is 15 hours ahead of us who are in the Pacific Time zone.

If you would like to view our Itinerary for the trip, you can download the pdf file HERE.

Evergreen SGV