The Things That Make Me Cry  


“Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting.” Psalm 126:5

For decades I hardly ever cried. It was a learned behavior of indifference to things that really mattered and deserved tears to be shed. I failed to cry at the passing of my father. I would almost never cry at sad movies and when I did, I would do my best to refrain and/or hide it from others.

I remember crying at the closing scene of Westside Story. It was 1961 and I was fourteen years old. I decided to never cry because of a movie again. Then, in 1989, it happened again and my attitude was very different. I decided to find out why I cried and it began my father journey, which had a significant impact on my life. But that’s another story for another time.

Today, every once in a while, I cry over stories I read in Sports Illustrated. I have discovered a common theme in those stories. 

I am going to give you an example from the December 2018 issue, which I just read. The piece is entitled, “Everyday Heroes”, which recounts a story about the travails of the Paradise High School that was severely damaged during the November Camp Fire. The fire took the homes of 196 or the 200 athletes at the school. When they resumed competition the following took place.

“Paradise midfielder Gabe Price is also one of the area’s top cross-country runners. He missed the qualifying race for the state meet on November 8 because he was grabbing what he could from his home before it burned down. But Stearns made some calls and got permission for Price to run the course at West Valley High by himself a few days later to try to qualify.

To Gabe’s surprise, several of the West Valley runners showed up to pace him, invaluable support on a hilly, fairly unfamiliar course. Price finished in 17:12, nearly 30 seconds faster than the minimum time required. He was a grateful for West Valley’s assistance as he was for the jersey’s and shin guards Andersen High had donated to his soccer team. ‘The kindness and understanding… it’s been amazing to know that our opponents don’t see us as just another team to beat.’” 

I read this and I cried. I think I cry over stories of ‘everyday heroes’, people who serve others with no expectation of something in return. It is a story that reminds me of Jesus and how Jesus wants us to live our lives. 

As the preeminent example, Jesus said, “…just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28. Jesus’s death on the cross is the greatest example of serving others via the ultimate price that anyone could every pay.

May we should be just like Jesus and may the example of others bring a tear to your eyes.

Something to think about…