For Better or For Worse 

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By Pete Young

Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Genesis 2:24

A couple was in counseling and the wife was asked, do you and your husband argue a lot, did he ever beat you up?  She answered, “Well, he would get up earlier a couple of times a week”. (We wonder why we have communication problems. Ha-Ha)

On February 22-24, 2019 we had our 7th Evergreen SGV Marriage Enrichment Weekend. We had 42 couples who had been married 50 years to newlyweds of just 2 weeks.  For many, it was their first time, some their 2nd time and then for me and my wife the 7th time. Where else would you be able to learn from the wisdom of our Senior Pastor Cory and Auntie Reine on marriage at its best, at its trials and at dealing with our ungodly beliefs that we all bring into our marriages.  

It was a great time creating new friendships and getting to know other couples playing ice breakers and sharing in our small groups. We shared on “Recalling Our Courtship”, “Remembering the Best”, “Releasing the Worse”, and “Rejoicing in One Another”. We all had a date night where husbands planned a night out with their wives. Each couple was able to communicate over thought provoking questions.  

We thank Pastor Cory and Auntie Reine for sharing and being so transparent. There was laughter, sharing how they overcame their trials and releasing their ungodly beliefs through Releasing Prayer Ministry. The most touching moments were at the end of the retreat when we had a time of testimonies by couples and renewing our vows as husband and wife which was led by Pastor Cory.   

It was a glorious weekend that has enriched our marriages. It has reminded us of the need to be committed to one another and to realize we bring our own different beliefs into our marriages.

We have learned in marriage that the Lord gave us each other in good times and in bad times. We have also learned that we are to be God centered first in our 
marriages. Maybe one day Pastor Cory and Auntie Reine can come back and have a Grand-parenting Enrichment Weekend! 

Thank you Pastor Cory and Auntie Reine for your infinite wisdom!

In Him,

Pete Young

P. S. Remember Men, make coffee every morning for your wife, there is a book in the Bible on it. “He-brews!”

Evergreen SGV