TruthS Not Mantras - Leaving Space to Feel


by David Kim

Disclaimer: What I am about to write is simply my own reflection. It isn’t even necessarily based from my own personal experience, simply thoughts during this season. Take it for what it’s worth in light of God’s truths. 

God is good and He is in control

God is good and He is in control. 
God is good and He is in control.

During this season where so many things are beyond our control, many of us have been finding comfort in these words. I see it and hear it everywhere.

God is good and He is in control.

In many ways these words represent a deep truth and reality. The Scriptures clearly tell us that God is good. God is sovereign and in control. And so many of us remind ourselves of these two truths because we want the comfort that is found in this reality.



Time of Tragedy

But my fear is that as we say these words, as we remind ourselves of these truths, we dismiss the other realities around us. Yes, God is good and He is in control. But people are indeed hurting. People are indeed losing jobs. People are indeed falling into depression. People are indeed dying. 

In the midst of great tragedy, it is vital that we remind ourselves of God and His truth. But know this as well: we don’t have to pretend like we aren’t living in a season of tragedy.


Don’t be anxious, Don’t be robots

Philippians 4:6-7 tells us: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Don’t be anxious. We are told to not live as if we do not have a God who is good and who is in control. As if we do not have access to a heavenly Father who cares for us.

But don’t be anxious does not equal don’t feel pain, sadness, and sorrow. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t mourn for those who are hurting. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t feel the pain of a broken world. This doesn’t mean, pretend like everything is all right.

We still live in a broken and fallen world no matter how good and sovereign God is. There is still pain, suffering, and brokenness. And so it is okay to feel. 

In fact, some of us probably should feel more than we do right now. Some of us are trying to shield ourselves from the realities of people’s pain and suffering by just closing our ears and repeating the words “God is good and He is in control” and using it like a mantra.

Instead, we should recognize that things aren't right. And that is sad. But we can have hope that one day God will make things right again. And we won't be sad anymore.

I say all of this because I want to remind people that is it okay to feel a range of emotions during this season. 


Truths not Mantras

It is okay to feel. It is okay to be sad, yet have hope, faith, and trust in God. One does not negate the other. Feeling sad does not negate our faith. 

God is indeed good and He is indeed in control.

Let those words be a truth in which we find our firm foundation when we are in stormy waters, not a mantra we say to soothe ourselves when we have a hard time sleeping.

Maybe a better phrase might be:

God is indeed good and He is indeed in control. But things aren’t perfect right now.


Evergreen SGV