Posts tagged JEMS
Japan Ministry during Coronavirus

by Darryl Wong

During 2020, I was originally planning two trips to Japan for work as Missions Coordinator with JEMS.  However, just as I was getting ready to fly in March for a missionary retreat, the COVID-19 pandemic started spreading.  Both Japan and the US closed borders to foreigners, and travelers were mandated to quarantine for two weeks.


After the missionary retreat was cancelled, I had also planned a short-term mission project in June.  My wife, Helena, and my son, Leo, were supposed to go with me to serve with a church from Austin, Texas, in ministering to people from the Tohoku region, northeast of Tokyo. However, this trip was also cancelled due to COVID-19.

Needless to say, having two trips cancelled was disappointing.  However, there is a saying, when God closes a door, another one opens.

Because we could not go to Japan, my boss Roy Toma, the JEMS Japan Mission Director, learned about Zoom video conferencing.  Although we were not able to get the missionaries physically together for spiritual encouragement and learning, we found a virtual way to get them together.  About once a month, we have a meeting with the missionaries to pray and see how they are doing.

In addition to not being able to travel outside the US, the JEMS office in downtown Los Angeles was forced to close, because considered a non-essential business.  I was suddenly thrust into working from home.  Although it took some time, I was able to set up my home laptop and gain access to files from the JEMS headquarters to continue to connect with and provide administrative support for the JEMS missionaries.

Lastly, the opportunity to share the Gospel in Japan did not stop due to COVID-19.  All of the long-term missionaries continue to live in Japan.  They are doing live-stream messages or putting their worship services on YouTube.  In fact, some churches are allowed to get together with physical distancing.  Please pray for the missionaries as they continue sharing Christ in Japan!