Posts tagged Lowly
Early Returns on “Gentle and Lowly”

by Pastor Victor Chen

A few months ago, I shared about a recommended book the church was giving away. Here are some quotes from church members who were blessed by the book:

“… In terms of us desiring to have intentional relationships that encourage Christlikeness, this book certainly gives a GENTLY convicting and inspiring look at the heart of Christ, which is what we desire …”

“I’ve gained insights into Jesus and his character and nature. Amazing how some works strike a certain chord. It’s nothing new in terms of head knowledge, but it’s been fresh and has offered a different perspective.”

“… the verse has long been familiar. What has been new to me in reading Dane Ortlund's Gentle and Lowly has been the fact that these are not simply characteristics of Jesus, they are his essence. He is gentle, meek, lowly in spirit, humble in heart. He wants to share this essence with you and me.

Come to me. I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you.

I am an avid reader, and lately the books I've been reading are about people overcoming great obstacles, prevailing in victory, enduring great hardships. Some have claimed to do this on their own strength, some have cited God's help. This book has helped me see more clearly the nature of who Jesus is and how he can meet us in our time of deepest need. It is not just something he decides to do, it's his very nature.”

“‘Gentle and Lowly’ is a book not for the faint of heart or the “me” oriented Christian. It has too much depth. Dane Ortlund took me on a unique love journey that pointed to the heart of Jesus in a fresh and timeless way. I found myself savoring, enjoying and allowing the richness of Jesus’ heart penetrate mine. Through the wisdom of the Puritans, the author brings, “glimpses of a divine kindness too great to be boxed in by what we deserve”. If you desire to have “flesh” put on Jesus, this book will take you there.”

For a free copy of “Gentle and Lowly”, please contact me at