Posts tagged Prayer Meetings
An Opportunity to Pray in the Midst of COVID-19

by Ron Miyake

How have you viewed this time of “Safer at Home” and social distancing? Maybe for some of us, it’s been difficult not being able to see people and doing things like we did before. Maybe we miss the interaction and just being able to be with people. Then maybe for others of us, it’s been a good time to be at home, work from home, and to not be so hurried with the way life was going. 


Whichever way we view this time, one of the things that I’ve wondered was, “Lord, what do You want this time to look like?” “How do You want me/us to spend this time?” 

One of the things we have been doing is our Monday Prayer Meetings. When Pastor Rocky brought this idea up, what flashed through my mind were all the other prayer meetings that we’ve tried to do over the years. Prayer meetings on Saturdays, Sundays, weekdays, mornings, evenings, over 12 or 24 hours, and even people praying during the worship services in “the cave”.  When the idea of having our Monday Prayer Meetings at 6:30 am  and 7:30 pm, I wondered, would people actually show up? And you know what, they have! But even more than numbers, I’m reminded that the Lord is with us as we’ve prayed.

It seems like with the Zoom format, it’s been very easy for people to join in from their homes. It’s been great to join together with the church family from different areas and even of different ages joining together to seek the Lord and lift up our prayers and concerns. It’s been great to be together, to see each other, and to lift up prayers for us, our church, our community, state, country, and the world.

In the midst of Covid-19, this new way of meeting together regularly and being able to pray together every week has been such an encouraging and enjoyable time. Even when we stop having to do the “Safer at Home”, I want to continue having these Zoom Monday Prayer Meetings.

I hope you will join us!