Posts tagged Washington
One Year In: Interview with Pastor Rocky Part 4

On May 26, 2020, Pastor Victor conducted an interview with Pastor Rocky via Zoom about his first year as Senior Pastor of Evergreen SGV. This is Part 4 of a 4-part blog series based on that interview.


Any final thoughts as you reflect on this past year?

It goes back to relationships. 

I’m grateful to our Lord for Sharla [wife] and the children. I feel like we've transitioned, but we're still transitioning. We still miss Washington. We still miss people from Washington. We still miss football and football life. I think it’s an ever-growing process for us. But I'm grateful that they trust the Lord and they trust me.

Having that trust from them is a ridiculous, extra motivation that the Lord gives me to be faithful to do this. I don't know how things are going to turn out, but I just want to be faithful. That’s my goal.

I’m grateful for the relationships at Evergreen [SGV]. People have been so gracious. Here's a brand new pastor, wet behind the ears and they’ve been so gracious. 

They’re just willing to listen to the preaching. They’re willing to be flexible. They’re willing to be open-minded.

It’s profound for me to think about it. 

That humbles me and that actually motivates me to want to be faithful to our Lord.