Posts tagged reading
Two Things Our Pediatrician Asks

by Pastor Victor Chen

When my children go in for a checkup, our pediatrician always asks two questions. I believe these two questions are relevant for adults now, especially during this “stay at home” order.

How much screen time do you have each day?


Screen time needs to be limited; otherwise, a child’s development is stunted. There are attention issues that can develop that make it more difficult to focus.

With school coming from a screen, work coming from a screen and even church service coming from a screen (!), one might ask whether we throw this question out.

But I believe now, more than ever, we need to monitor our screen time. 

Our pediatrician will recommend reading as a good alternative to screen time and I would agree with that for adults, too. 

Reading can help develop critical thinking and spark creativity by unlocking the imagination. Reading also helps your writing, which in turn can help you communicate better.

How much time do you play outside?

I could not imagine my pediatrician telling me to play more outside 30 years ago!

Playing outside helps the physical development of a child and is the natural way to develop hand-eye coordination. It also helps us rest our eyes from all that screen time.

Spending time outside also has an effect on our mood. Seeing creation outdoors reminds us that we are not in control and cannot click or swipe to manipulate the flowers of the field or the birds of the air. 

Take a walk around the block or a bike ride around the neighborhood. Put a bird bath in your backyard or create a vegetable garden on the side. Discover ways to get outdoors regularly.

With these two questions, I give no correct answer. Everybody’s situation is different.

However, these two questions are important and timely questions to ask ourselves.

And don’t be surprised if your doctor starts asking you these two questions.