Posts tagged waiting
Okay, I’ll do the same

by Kenny Wada

At the end of July, Pastor Ron closed our Monday morning Zoom prayer meeting by having Colossians 4:2-4 read aloud:

“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.  At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak.”


After the prayer meeting ended and I exited Zoom, I couldn’t stop thinking about the Apostle Paul’s words.  

Paul was in prison.  He was stuck in one place and he couldn’t leave.  He wasn’t free to go where he wanted to go and see whomever he wanted to see.  He couldn’t walk to the city’s synagogue and teach about the Messiah, nor gather with fellow believers for prayer and mutual encouragement.  

He wasn’t totally isolated, but his freedom to be with people and his “in-person” time with others was either cut off completely or was dramatically reduced.

As I sat there thinking about Paul, I sensed that the Lord was speaking to me.  I felt like he was saying, “Kenny, quit focusing on all that you have lost during this COVID-19 lockdown.  Yes, ministry is not the same but look at Paul.  What do you see?”  

As I slowly read over Paul’s words again, I thought: “Well, this is what I see.”  

I see a believer who is enduring in prayer because he knows God is working and can never be bound or imprisoned by circumstances or the will of man.  

I see a believer waiting and watchful because the issue is not IF God will answer, but WHEN he will see God’s answer.  

I see a believer who is grateful (like the Psalmist in Ps 116:1-2) as he waits because he had NOT FORGOTTEN all the times God has heard him and answered his prayers!  

I see a believer that is anticipating an opportunity when God will open a door for him to do what he was called to do.  

And last of all, I see a Christ-follower who is outward focused - focused on God and others.  Not sulking in what he can’t do anymore, but looking for the new things God will be doing in and through others and himself.  

That’s what I see.  

Then I sensed him telling me: “Okay, do the same.”

Okay Lord, I’ll do the same.

Kenny WadaZoom, COVID-19, prayer, waiting