Posts tagged Evergreen SGV
From Indoors to Outdoors to Indoors Again

Pastor Kenny has played a key role in coordinating our outdoor services for the past year. Here, he shares some of the challenges this past year and our preparations for moving services back indoors .


Please Share what happened one year ago when the church had to livestream.

Our country decided to follow a nationwide lockdown in order to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The initial idea was the slow the spread and then it seemed like it turned into an attempt to completely stop the spread.

By God’s providence, we had purchased video streaming equipment a few months earlier for a memorial service we hosted at our church in May 2019. And so, when we were deciding to livestream our worship service, we already had the equipment necessary to do it.

We started live-streaming on Sunday, March 15th, and have been doing it ever since.

What were some of the challenges when the church was able to reopen at limited capacity indoors?

The main challenges were understanding which COVID-19 protocols were necessary. Then the challenge was to make sure we agreed on how the protocols would be followed on Evergreen SGV‘s campus. The other challenge was and continues to be reliable knowledge about COVID-19 in general. However, as more time passes and different states in our country apply various approaches to the COVID-19 pandemic, it appears that we are getting a clearer picture of what protocols are necessary for us to follow in order to protect the most vulnerable in our society and which ones we can stop practicing. 

Describe what outdoor service first looked liken when it began summer 2020.

We first started outdoor service as an alternative service for those who wanted to worship in-person and were weary of online church. We held the service outside at 9 am without a PA system. Pastor Victor led two worship songs at the beginning, Rocky preached and then we closed in worship. It was simple but sweet. After the outdoor service, we would go inside and do the livestream service at 10:30.

We eventually combined the two services and started to livestream the outdoor worship service as it is today.

Please share how outdoor service has grown since then.

Outdoor service began with about 15 to 25 people but once we created one outdoor service, it quickly grew to approximately 150 each Sunday. Recently, with more and more people being vaccinated, we now average about 225 to 245 people each week. The PA system is clear and the worship team is no longer just Pastor Victor on the guitar but it’s grown to 4 to 5 people worship teams and now even drums! I have already heard many times how people enjoy worshipping outside. However, with increasing temperatures, we are looking forward to going back inside.

Please share some of the discussion going on as we prepare to reopen service indoors again.

As we prepare to go indoors again, we want to focus on two things: One, we want to make sure that we were following the Los Angeles county health department guidelines. Two, we want to address the health concerns our church family might have regarding worshipping indoors.

As for the LA County guidelines, we are currently in the Orange Tier and so we are allowed to meet indoors at 50% capacity. As for the health concerns, we will be following the social distancing protocols laid out by the county and plan to continue to health screen everyone coming into our worship service. We are also assessing the rare possibility of COVID-19 being spread via aerosols since we believe that is the primary concern of most people as we plan to move back into the sanctuary. We will also have an outdoor option available for those who are not ready to return indoors.

Looking back, what are some of the lessons our church can glean from this year?

There are so many lessons we have learned over this past year. 

We have learned that we need to communicate better at all levels leadership and with you, our church family. 

We learned that ALL news sources have an agenda and bias, and so it’s necessary to balance our intake with both Left-leaning news sources with Right-leaning ones. We are better informed when we do our research well. 

We’ve learned that we must focus on growing each believer deeper in their relationship with Christ and with one another (i.e. focus on discipleship) and not on large programs. When all the programs cease, what is left? What is left are relationships and so we want to major in relationship in the upcoming years. 

And last of all, for me, I have learned again that death is our greatest fear and that our message, the gospel message, the message of the whole Bible, addresses this most foundational fear of humanity.

Please join us for “Moving Forward", a presentation assessing the risk of infection from moving services indoors by church member, Dr. James Chow, this Sunday, 4/18 at 1pm. You can sign up at 

Celebrating Easter One Year Later

by Victor Chen

One year ago, I remember thinking the “stay at home” order would be lifted by Easter. Surely, we wouldn’t have to celebrate Easter at home!

Looking back one year later, I realize how often hope in this world is fleeting.

We hoped for the “stay at home” order to last two weeks. It’s been a year.

We hoped that cases would drop. There was a year-end surge.

We hoped that schools would return. It has indeed, yet it does not look like it did before.

We hoped that vaccines would be the answer. It has certainly helped, but it has not been the ultimate solution to our fears. 

Reflecting on all of these failed hopes, I realize there is only one hope that will never fail.


Christ is risen. 

We don’t have to hope our sins will be accounted for. It is finished.

We don’t have to hope whether our salvation is secure. He sits at the right hand of the Father.

We don’t have to hope for life after death. We have it now in Jesus.

So this Easter, let’s stop hoping for things that will disappoint and start hoping in the One who is alive and has overcome.

Let’s not hope in things that will die or fade away.

Let’s hope in Him who is alive and risen. 

He is risen indeed.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. (ESV) 1 Peter 1:3–5

Come celebrate with us on Easter at our outdoor service Sunday, 4/4 at 10:30am!

Meet New Pastor Mako Seto

In late 2020, our church was able to bring on Mako Seto as the Senior Associate Pastor of Administration. Hear from our new pastor as he shares more about himself and how the Lord brought him and his family to Evergreen SGV.

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Please share some of your background and also how you came across Evergreen SGV years ago.

I am blessed to be married to my wife Amy and we have one son, Jordan who just turned 12 years old! After witnessing the birth of my son, I could not deny God anymore. The birth process was so incredible that I knew there had to be a God! During Amy’s pregnancy, my brother Rocky constantly shared the gospel with me and invited me to Evergreen SGV. (Yes, Pastor Rocky and I are biological and spiritual brothers!) Amy, Jordan, and I were attending Evergreen SGV for about 6 months and then we started to attend Mission Valley Free Methodist Church.


Please share how you became a pastor at Evergreen SGV

Before being called into full-time ministry, I was in hotel management for 10 years working with the Ritz-Carlton, Marriott, Kintestu and Omni hotels.  I worked for hotels in Maui, Palm Desert and Los Angeles.  In 2014, the Lord opened up the opportunity for me to serve at Mission Valley Free Methodist Church as the Executive Administrator.  God continued to give me different opportunities to serve Him and later on I became the Executive Pastor.  After 6 years of serving at Mission Valley, the Lord brought me here to serve as the Senior Associate Pastor of Administration.


What are your responsibilities as the Administrative pastor?

I am responsible for the administrative operations of Evergreen SGV and to shepherd our congregation to love Christ!


How has your time on staff been so far?

It has been awesome serving Christ at Evergreen SGV! I have the great honor of working with faithful staff members and lay leaders.  They have been very welcoming and loving to me. I already feel that Evergreen SGV is my home and I feel so blessed to be a part of this incredible church! 


What are you most excited for at Evergreen SGV?

I am fired up with the direction of our church with our desire to be faithful to Christ!  I love the vision of our church with Christ being our foundation and discipleship being the central theme of our church!  In the past 3 months, I can see how excited our staff is about discipleship and the spiritual growth that is happening within our church with people loving God's Word, with us trusting and loving God more and how we are becoming more like Christ!


Is there anything you would like to share with the church family? 

Evergreen SGV family, thank you for your incredible love and support!  Even before joining our church, you were praying and blessing Jordan as he continues to fight cancer.  Your love, support and prayers are making a huge difference to us! My family and I are so blessed to call Evergreen SGV our church, our home and our family!  



Meet New Staff Member Debra Ton

In late 2019, our church was able to bring on Debra Ton as the Children’s Ministries Office Manager. Hear from our new staff member as she shares more about herself and her heart for the church. 


How did you come to Evergreen SGV?

Our family began attending Evergreen SGV in August 2017, though I believe the Lord planted the seed much earlier. Shortly after we moved to our home in 2014, my husband, daughter and I began praying together for His guidance and timing as we considered finding a church closer to where we live.  We had dear friends who grew up at Evergreen, and we made many friendships and connections through MOPS/STEMS. We felt strongly after our first visit that there was no need to search any further.  Evergreen was the first and only church we visited.  The Lord blessed our transition by providing a warm and welcoming community.  He has tremendously blessed us through Biblical teaching, faithful leadership, wonderful ministries and a loving branch.  We are grateful to be a part of this church family and joyfully call Evergreen SGV home.  

How did you become involved with children’s ministries? 

I was recruited to serve as staff director for SBS in 2018 and then was asked to serve in the Pre-K/Kinder Church School class that same year.  I was later approached with the position of Children’s Ministries Office Manager in 2019. These were very unexpected opportunities, but were aligned with my heart for children.  I consider each of these opportunities as a gift from the Lord!  It is a blessing to see children growing in their love and knowledge of Christ and an honor to be able to invest in the next generation.  

What are your responsibilities as Children’s Ministries Office Manager? 

My primary role as the Children’s Ministries Office Manager included welcoming, registering and checking in families, updating information in The Vine, creating the Kids Church rosters and serving schedule and maintaining the office.  

Since the pandemic, many aspects of children’s ministries have either been suspended or modified.  Likewise, my role has evolved.  I currently assist the family pastor, Pastor Victor, by helping with email communication, children’s bulletins, and supporting Church School, including registering and welcoming new families.  Although many things have changed, our desire to walk alongside families hasn’t.  I praise God for the ways He has allowed us to continue to connect and share in the lives of these precious little ones and their families. 

How has your time on staff been so far?  

My time on staff has been amazing!  I am so grateful to be able to serve Him and the Evergreen SGV Church body.  It has been a wonderful privilege to see how God faithfully and graciously provides, and works through such a dedicated, resilient, creative, obedient and faithful group, prior to and during the pandemic. I am humbled to serve alongside people who love the Lord, His church and His people so deeply!  To Him be all glory and praise! 

I Am Thankful

by Kay Carey

During the first couple months of the pandemic, I had the opportunity to evaluate and reprioritize what I had been doing. One of the things God impressed upon my heart was to consider stepping down from staff and just serve Him as a lay person as a disciple maker. After seeking some wise counsel and much prayer, I decided to retire at age 63 from a formal staff position.   


As I reflect on my time as a ministry associate at Evergreen SGV, my heart overflows with gratitude for the blessed opportunity to grow in Jesus Christ. I give Him all the glory and honor for the wonderful time serving Him and His people.   

When I was first hired as outreach staff back in November 2006, I was going through a major transitional period of my life after returning from Costa Rica due to health issues - cancer and PPS (Post Polio Syndrome). After going through a season of treatment and healing, God opened a perfect ministry door at church. It really helped me to transition back into life in the U.S. 

I have many fond memories of ministering with many faithful people, promoting God’s great commission to the church family and equipping them to share the Gospel and His love locally, domestically and overseas in the outreach ministries. After seven years, I transitioned to discipleship/mentoring, which has been my passion for most of my Christian life. I am so grateful for all the things I learned from all the pastors and church family. Thank you so much for all your love, prayers and partnership/friendship!   

For those who are interested in knowing what I have been doing since my retirement: My daily activities have not drastically changed since my decision. I continue to disciple and mentor people as God allows and guides. I have been experiencing lots of joy and peace as I get to develop deep and meaningful relationships with family members and friends (old and new) who live near and far. 

“The Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.  May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.”

2 Thess. 3:3,5