Posts tagged school
Celebrating Easter One Year Later

by Victor Chen

One year ago, I remember thinking the “stay at home” order would be lifted by Easter. Surely, we wouldn’t have to celebrate Easter at home!

Looking back one year later, I realize how often hope in this world is fleeting.

We hoped for the “stay at home” order to last two weeks. It’s been a year.

We hoped that cases would drop. There was a year-end surge.

We hoped that schools would return. It has indeed, yet it does not look like it did before.

We hoped that vaccines would be the answer. It has certainly helped, but it has not been the ultimate solution to our fears. 

Reflecting on all of these failed hopes, I realize there is only one hope that will never fail.


Christ is risen. 

We don’t have to hope our sins will be accounted for. It is finished.

We don’t have to hope whether our salvation is secure. He sits at the right hand of the Father.

We don’t have to hope for life after death. We have it now in Jesus.

So this Easter, let’s stop hoping for things that will disappoint and start hoping in the One who is alive and has overcome.

Let’s not hope in things that will die or fade away.

Let’s hope in Him who is alive and risen. 

He is risen indeed.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. (ESV) 1 Peter 1:3–5

Come celebrate with us on Easter at our outdoor service Sunday, 4/4 at 10:30am!

Are We There Yet? - Youth Ministry and God’s Relentless Grace

by Daniel Gee

Pastor Victor invited me to share some thoughts on my time as a youth advisor. This first article was posted in the leaflet years ago, but still holds true for me today, and best frames how I’ve come to see youth ministry. I hope that some may find the thoughts shared in these upcoming articles encouraging and helpful.

Never a dull moment in youth ministry. And that’s not because those two juniors wrestling almost made me spill my drink over a freshman who, on her phone, almost tripped over said juniors.  Although, yes, stuff like that happens, too.


Contrary to all appearances, occurring beneath the surface of Friday night mayhem are moments of great maturation. Our students are growing in their care for one another. They love to pray for one another. They are growing as worship leaders. They are learning the challenges of honoring God at their school. They are stretching themselves to reach out to those they don’t know. It is our joy and privilege as youth advisors to walk with these young men and women as they journey through these uniquely formative years of their lives.

Of course, beneath all this is more. We find immaturities. We find ourselves (my peers included) in a generation increasingly apathetic, entitled, and with an impatience cultivated by constant phone usage. These immaturities even find their way into our students’ moments of growth. Showing love to a friend might be mixed with the selfish desire to be needed. A student worship leader, while appearing as a model Christian, is internally struggling against temptations of pride, judging others and the fear of man. 

I believe one of the fundamental premises of youth ministry is that there is more than meets the eye. As youth advisors, we are confronted each week with our students’ immaturities, awkwardness, growing pains and frustrations. Nonetheless, we see this in the context of a greater narrative, one that subsumes the present: these young men and women are in progress, and by God’s grace will be more than who they are now. He is indeed not done with them!   We are able to take seriously our students’ immaturities, and yet also in the very same breath affirm that God is apprenticing a skillful artisan, training a courageous soldier and nurturing a loving parent for redeeming work in his Kingdom.

And in this do we not find the deepest truths of the gospel we hold so dear? God is determined to bring redemption in spite of our sin. We can still hope when all is not as it should be. We can trust God to justify us and to sanctify us. We are called to both pursue tenacious discipleship and seek daily forgiveness. All the while, God calls into being that which has not yet fully arrived.

Thus, as the youth are, so are you and me. Yet I sense us old(er) folk find it harder to acknowledge this in ourselves.  We feel as if we are supposed to have it all together. Immaturities are supposed to be long behind us. But if I’m going to be honest, I see in the youth my own being “not there yet.” The same temptation to be needed lurks in my mentoring, and the same pride is at my heels when I lead them in worship.  “But where sin increased, grace increased all the more.” (Romans 5:20). In my time as a youth advisor, years very dear to me, I’ve seen that God is indeed rich in mercy and grace for our youth. Today, may we give thanks that so He is for us all.